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This is in response to the little feedback I have got back so far. My web space, prima facie, made the autonomic nervous system of my visitors creak in agony over the discomfiture about an apparent ignorance of the Magic Mirror on the Wall.

As the Grimm brothers went forth with revising and publishing their collection of German folklore, the enchanting tale of Snow White and the seven dwarfs would undergo a number of changes save one – that of the magic mirror on the wall.

The queen, Snow White’s mother (or stepmother, as per your preference),  apparently suffered from a strange case of autism (No, that was not mentioned by the Grimms), and had in her possession an enchanted mirror (just like our very own priyadarsini) within which dwells a slaved spirit. This omniscient spirit, for reasons of a more cryptogenic nature not touched by the Grimm brothers, is always foreboded to speak the truth. All you had to do was to summon the spirit, and ask him, thus ~

“Mirror, Mirror on the wall…

Who is the ….. ??? ”

Now, as I mentioned earlier, this I-know-it-all-and-seen-it-all spirit would always give you the a truthful answer – whether you love it or hate it.

For those wanting to reminiscence this sweet short folktale, Bing it and you shall find a myriad of wikis and web pages devoted to Snow White.

Mirror, Mirror on the wall… Had I answered all questions in this call ???

A promise made, to be among the best…

A promise made, to be among the good…

A promise made, to be among the worthy…

A promise to live up to…

Mirror, Mirror on the wall…

Will my efforts be earnest of all ???